SWMM Standard cross section as an example

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
import numpy as np
from shape_generator import CrossSection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', dpi=250)
# plt.rcParams
def swmm_std_cross_sections(label, rel_with):
    height = np.linspace(0, 1, len(rel_with))
    cross_section = CrossSection(label, height=1, simplify=False, accuracy=3)
    for x, y in zip(height, rel_with):
        if (y == 0) and (x in (0, 1)):
        cross_section.add(x, y / 2)

    return cross_section
rel_with = [.0, .6272, .8521, .9243, .9645, .9846, .9964, .9988, .9917, .9811,
         .9680, .9515, .9314, .9101, .8864, .8592, .8284, .7917, .7527, .7065,
         .6544, .5953, .5231, .4355, .3195, .0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='Arch', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 26 to 22 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0,   .2800,   .3919,   .4750,   .5426,   .6000,   .6499,   .6940,   .7332,
        .7684,   .8000,   .8285,   .8542,   .8773,   .8980,   .9165,   .9330,
        .9474,   .9600,   .9708,   .9798,   .9871,   .9928,   .9968,   .9992,
        1.000,   .9992,   .9968,   .9928,   .9871,   .9798,   .9708,   .9600,
        .9474,   .9330,   .9165,   .8980,   .8773,   .8542,   .8285,   .8000,
        .7684,   .7332,   .6940,   .6499,   .6000,   .5426,   .4750,   .3919,
        .2800,   .0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='Circular', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 51 to 29 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [.0,    .2980,   .4330,   .5080,   .5820,   .6420,   .6960,   .7460,   .7910,
        .8360,   .8660,   .8960,   .9260,   .9560,   .9700,   .9850,   1.000,
        .9850,   .9700,   .9400,   .8960,   .8360,   .7640,   .6420,   .3100, .0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='Egg', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 26 to 18 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [   .0,      .5878,   .8772,   .8900,   .9028,   .9156,   .9284,   .9412,
    .9540,   .9668,   .9798,   .9928,   .9992,   .9992,   .9928,   .9798,
    .9600,   .9330,   .8980,   .8542,   .8000,   .7332,   .6499,   .5426,
    .3919,   .0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='Horseshoe', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 26 to 18 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0,   0.286,   0.643,   0.762,   0.833,   0.905,   0.952,   0.976,   0.976,
        1.0,     1.0,     0.976,   0.976,   0.952,   0.905,   0.833,   0.762,
        0.667,   0.524,   0.357,   0.0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='GOTHIC', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 21 to 19 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0,    0.6667,  0.8222,  0.9111,  0.9778,  1.0000,  1.0000,  0.9889,  0.9778,
         0.9556,  0.9333,  0.8889,  0.8444,  0.8000,  0.7556,  0.7000,  0.6333,
         0.5556,  0.4444,  0.3333,  0.0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='CATENARY', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 21 to 15 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0,    0.7000,  0.9800,  1.0000,  1.0000,  1.0000,  0.9900,  0.9800,  0.9600,
         0.9400,  0.9100,  0.8800,  0.8400,  0.8000,  0.7500,  0.7000,  0.6400,
         0.5600,  0.4600,  0.3400,  0.0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='SEMI-ELLIPTICAL', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 21 to 15 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0, 0.49,    0.667,   0.82,    0.93,    1.00,    1.00,    1.00,    0.997,
      0.994,   0.988,   0.982,   0.967,   0.948,   0.928,   0.904,   0.874,
      0.842,   0.798,   0.75,    0.697,   0.637,   0.567,   0.467,   0.342,
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='BASKETHANDLE', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 26 to 21 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [0.0, 0.5488,  0.8537,  1.0000,  1.0000,  0.9939,  0.9878,  0.9756,  0.9634,
      0.9451,  0.9207,  0.8902,  0.8537,  0.8171,  0.7683,  0.7073,  0.6463,
      0.5732,  0.4756,  0.3354,  0.0]
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='SEMI-CIRCULAR', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from 21 to 17 points (with Ramer-Douglas, distance=0.001)
rel_with = [ .0,.3919,.5426,.6499,.7332,.8000,.8542,.8980,.9330,.9600,
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='HORIZONTAL ELLIPSE', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)
rel_with = [ .0,.3919,.5426,.6499,.7332,.8000,.8542,.8980,.9330,.9600,
cs = swmm_std_cross_sections(label='VERTICAL ELLIPSE', rel_with=rel_with)
fig = cs.profile_figure(relative=True)