Base Functions¶
Calculation Methods¶
Functions to analyse the precipitations series based on the core method.
- class idf_analysis.idf_backend.IdfParameters(series_kind: str = 'partial', worksheet: str = 'KOSTRA', extended_durations=False)[source]¶
- get_array_param(p, duration)[source]¶
- Parameters:
p (str) – name of the parameter ‘u’ or ‘w’
duration (numpy.ndarray) – in minutes
- Returns:
u, w
- Return type:
- measured_points(return_periods, max_duration=None)[source]¶
Get the calculation results of the rainfall with u and w without the estimation of the formula.
Input and Output¶
Function for reading and writing files.
- idf_analysis.in_out.import_series(filename, series_label='precipitation', index_label='datetime', csv_reader_args=None)[source]¶
Import series data from csv, parquet of pickle file.
- Parameters:
filename (str or pathlib.Path)
series_label (str) – name of series in file.
index_label (str) – prefered index name. (just used for plotting)
csv_reader_args (dict) – for example: sep=”,” or “.” and decimal=”;” or “,”
- Returns:
precipitation series
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.in_out.read_yaml(filename)[source]¶
Read yaml file.
- Parameters:
filename (str or pathlib.Path) – path to yaml file.
- Returns:
dict to read
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.in_out.write_yaml(data, filename)[source]¶
Write dict to yaml file.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – dict to write
filename (str or pathlib.Path) – path to yaml file.
SWW Utils¶
Functions to help analyse data in a general way. Most of this function have been developed on the institute of urban water management at the university of technology Graz.
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.agg_events(events, series, agg='sum')[source]¶
- Parameters:
events (pandas.DataFrame) – table of events
series (pandas.Series) – time-series data
agg (str | function) – aggregation of time-series
- Returns:
result of function of every event
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.event_duration(events)[source]¶
calculate the event duration
- Parameters:
events (pandas.DataFrame) – table of events with COL.START and COL.END times
- Returns:
duration of each event
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.event_number_to_series(events, index)[source]¶
make a time-series where the value of the event number is paste to the <index>
- Parameters:
events (pandas.DataFrame)
index (pandas.DatetimeIndex)
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.guess_freq(date_time_index, default=Timedelta('0 days 00:01:00'))[source]¶
guess the frequency by evaluating the most often frequency
- Parameters:
date_time_index (pandas.DatetimeIndex) – index of a time-series
default (pandas.Timedelta)
- Returns:
frequency of the date-time-index
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.rain_bar_plot(rain, ax=None, color='#1E88E5', reverse=False, step='post', joinstyle='miter', capstyle='butt')[source]¶
Make a standard precipitation/rain plot.
- Parameters:
rain (pandas.Series)
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes)
color (str)
reverse (bool)
step (str) – ‘mid’ ‘post’ pre’
- Returns:
rain plot
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.rain_events(series, ignore_rain_below=0.01, min_gap=Timedelta('0 days 04:00:00'))[source]¶
get rain events as a table with start and end times
- Parameters:
series (pandas.Series) – rain series
ignore_rain_below (float) – where it is considered as rain
min_gap (pandas.Timedelta) – 4 hours of no rain between events
- Returns:
table of the rain events
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.sww_utils.resample_rain_series(series)[source]¶
Resamples a rain time-series to an appropriate frequency based on the duration of the series.
The function determines the optimal resampling frequency (in minutes) by comparing the total duration of the series against predefined thresholds. If the original frequency is already finer than the calculated optimal frequency, the series is returned unchanged. Otherwise, the series is resampled to the new frequency by summing the values within each interval.
- Parameters:
series (pandas.Series) – A time-series of rain data, indexed by a pandas.DatetimeIndex. The series should contain numeric values representing rain amounts.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing:
The resampled time-series (if resampling was applied) or the original series (if no resampling was needed).
The final frequency of the series in minutes (e.g., 5 for 5-minute intervals).
- Return type:
- The resampling thresholds are defined as follows:
Duration < 5 hours: 1-minute frequency.
Duration < 12 hours: 2-minute frequency.
Duration < 1 day: 5-minute frequency.
Duration < 2 days: 10-minute frequency.
Duration < 3 days: 15-minute frequency.
Duration < 4 days: 20-minute frequency.
If the original frequency of the series is finer than the calculated optimal frequency, the series is returned unchanged, and the original frequency is converted to minutes.
Resampling is performed using the sum of values within each interval to preserve the total rain amount.
Converter helper functions¶
Functions to help convert things and units.
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.delta2min(time_delta)[source]¶
convert timedelta to float in minutes
- Parameters:
time_delta (pandas.Timedelta, pandas.DateOffset)
- Returns:
the timedelta in minutes
- Return type:
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.duration_steps_readable(durations)[source]¶
convert the durations to a more readable form
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.event_caption(event, unit='mm', lang='en')[source]¶
Generates a human-readable caption for a rain event in English or German.
- Parameters:
event (dict or pandas.Series) – A dictionary or Series containing event details. Expected keys include: - COL.START: Start time of the event. - COL.END: End time of the event. - COL.LP: Total rainfall sum (optional). - COL.DUR: Duration of the event (optional). - COL.MAX_PERIOD: Maximum return period (optional). - COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION: Duration of the maximum return period in minutes (optional).
unit (str, optional) – Unit for rainfall (default: ‘mm’).
lang (str, optional) – Language (‘en’ for English, ‘de’ for German, default: ‘en’).
- Returns:
A formatted string describing the rain event.
- Return type:
- Given an event with:
COL.START = pd.Timestamp(‘2023-01-01 12:00’)
COL.END = pd.Timestamp(‘2023-01-01 14:00’)
COL.LP = 15.5
COL.DUR = pd.Timedelta(hours=2)
- The german output might look like:
- “Regenereignis
von 01.01.2023 12:00 bis 14:00 mit einer Regensumme von 15.5 mm und einer Dauer von 2 Stunden. Die maximale Wiederkehrperiode war 10 a bei einer Dauerstufe von 30 minutes.”
- The english output might look like:
- “rain event
between 2023-01-01 12:00 and 14:00 with a total sum of 15.5 mm and a duration of 2 hours. The maximum return period was 10 years at a duration of 30 minutes.”
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.height2rate(height_of_rainfall, duration)[source]¶
calculate the specific rain flow rate in [l/(s*ha)]
if 2 array-like parameters are give, an element-wise calculation will be made. So the length of the array must be the same.
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.minutes_readable(minutes)[source]¶
convert the duration in minutes to a more readable form
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.rate2height(rain_flow_rate, duration)[source]¶
convert the rain flow rate to the height of rainfall in [mm]
if 2 array-like parameters are give, an element-wise calculation will be made. So the length of the array must be the same.
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.return_period_formatter(t)[source]¶
Formats a return period value into a human-readable string.
The function categorizes the return period value into specific ranges and returns a formatted string based on the range. This is useful for displaying return periods in a clear and concise manner.
- Parameters:
t (float) – The return period value to format.
- Returns:
- A formatted string representing the return period. The formatting rules are:
If t < 1: Returns “< 1”.
If t > 200: Returns “$gg$ 100” (indicating much greater than 100).
If t > 100: Returns “> 100”.
Otherwise: Returns the value formatted to one decimal place (e.g., “50.0”).
- Return type:
>>> return_period_formatter(0.5) '< 1' >>> return_period_formatter(150) '> 100' >>> return_period_formatter(250) '$\gg$ 100' >>> return_period_formatter(50.123) '50.1'
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.timedelta_components_plus(td, min_freq='min')[source]¶
Decomposes a timedelta into its components, approximating years and weeks.
- Parameters:
td (datetime.timedelta or pandas.Timedelta) – The time difference to decompose.
min_freq (str, optional) – The minimum frequency for rounding (e.g., ‘min’, ‘s’). Defaults to ‘min’.
- Returns:
A list of lists, where each sublist contains a numerical value and its corresponding time unit.
- Return type:
Leap years are not considered in year calculations. Possible components: [years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds]
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.timedelta_components_readable(list_of_components, short=False, sep=', ', lang='en')[source]¶
Converts a list of time components into a human-readable string.
- Parameters:
list_of_components (list) – A list of [value, unit] pairs representing time components.
short (bool, optional) – If True, uses abbreviated unit names (e.g., ‘y’ for years). Defaults to False.
sep (str, optional) – Separator between components. Defaults to ‘, ‘.
lang (str, optional) – Language (‘en’ for English, ‘de’ for German, default: ‘en’).
- Returns:
A formatted string representing the time components, with the last component joined by “and”.
- Return type:
Singular units (e.g., “1 year” instead of “1 years”) are handled automatically.
The last separator is replaced with “and” for better readability unless short mode is enabled.
timedelta_components_readable([(2, ‘days’), (3, ‘hours’)]) -> ‘2 days and 3 hours’
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.timedelta_readable(td, min_freq='min', short=False, sep=', ', lang='en')[source]¶
Converts a timedelta into a human-readable string.
- Parameters:
td (datetime.timedelta or pandas.Timedelta) – The time difference to format.
min_freq (str, optional) – The minimum frequency for rounding (e.g., ‘min’, ‘s’). Defaults to ‘min’.
short (bool, optional) – Whether to use abbreviated unit names (e.g., ‘h’ for hours). Defaults to False.
sep (str, optional) – Separator used between components in the output string. Defaults to ‘, ‘.
lang (str, optional) – Language (‘en’ for English, ‘de’ for German, default: ‘en’).
- Returns:
A formatted string representing the time duration.
- Return type:
Leap years are not considered in year calculations.
timedelta_readable(pd.Timedelta(days=400, hours=5)) -> ‘1 year, 5 weeks and 5 hours’
- idf_analysis.little_helpers.timedelta_readable2(d1, d2, min_freq='min', short=False, sep=', ', lang='en')[source]¶
Computes the difference between two dates and returns a human-readable string.
- Parameters:
d1 (datetime-like) – The start date.
d2 (datetime-like) – The end date.
min_freq (str, optional) – The minimum frequency for rounding (e.g., ‘min’, ‘s’). Defaults to ‘min’.
short (bool, optional) – Whether to use abbreviated unit names (e.g., ‘h’ for hours). Defaults to False.
sep (str, optional) – Separator used between components in the output string. Defaults to ‘, ‘.
lang (str, optional) – Language (‘en’ for English, ‘de’ for German, default: ‘en’).
- Returns:
A formatted string representing the time difference.
- Return type:
Approximates the number of years by adjusting for the closest full year.
Leap years are not considered in year calculations.
timedelta_readable2(pd.Timestamp(‘2020-01-01’), pd.Timestamp(‘2023-06-15’)) -> ‘3 years, 5 months and 14 days’
Plotting helper functions¶
Functions to add or manipulate plotting figures.
- idf_analysis.plot_helpers.idf_bar_axes(ax, idf_table, return_period_colors=None)[source]¶
Create a return period bar axes for the event plot.
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes)
idf_table (pandas.DataFrame)
return_period_colors (dict) – color of each return period {return period: color}
- Return type: