Source code for idf_analysis.idf_class

import math
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import webbrowser

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize as spo
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from .arg_parser import heavy_rain_parser
from .definitions import *
from .idf_backend import IdfParameters
from .in_out import import_series
from .little_helpers import (minutes_readable, height2rate, delta2min, rate2height, frame_looper, event_caption,
                             duration_steps_readable, get_progress_bar)
from .plot_helpers import idf_bar_axes
from .sww_utils import (guess_freq, rain_events, agg_events, event_duration, resample_rain_series, rain_bar_plot,
from .synthetic_rainseries import _BlockRain, _EulerRain

[docs] class IntensityDurationFrequencyAnalyse: """ heavy rain as a function of the duration and the return period acc. to DWA-A 531 (2012) This program reads the measurement data of the rainfall and calculates the distribution of the rainfall as a function of the return period and the duration for duration steps up to 12 hours (and more) and return period in a range of '0.5a <= T_n <= 100a' Attributes: _series (pandas.Series): rain time-series _freq (pandas.DateOffset): frequency of the rain series _return_periods_frame (pandas.DataFrame): with return periods of all given durations _rain_events (pandas.DataFrame): _rainfall_sum_frame (pandas.DataFrame): with rain sums of all given durations """ def __init__(self, series_kind=SERIES.PARTIAL, worksheet=METHOD.KOSTRA, extended_durations=False, unit='mm'): """ Heavy rainfall intensity as a function of duration and return period acc. to DWA-A 531 (2012). This program reads the measurement data of the rainfall and calculates the distribution of the rainfall as a function of the return period and the duration for duration steps up to 12 hours (and more) and return period in a range of 0.5a and 100a. Args: series_kind (str): ['partial', 'annual'] worksheet (str): ['DWA-A_531', 'ATV-A_121', 'DWA-A_531_advektiv'] extended_durations (bool): add [720, 1080, 1440, 2880, 4320, 5760, 7200, 8640] minutes to the calculation unit (str, optional): Unit for rainfall (default: 'mm'). """ self._series = None self._freq = None # how to calculate the idf curves self._parameters = IdfParameters(series_kind=series_kind, worksheet=worksheet, extended_durations=extended_durations) self._unit = unit self._return_periods_frame = None self._rain_events = None self._rainfall_sum_frame = None self._duration_steps_for_output = None # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @property def series(self) -> pd.Series: if self._series is None: raise IdfError('No Series defined for IDF-Analysis!') return self._series @series.setter def series(self, series: pd.Series): self._series = series
[docs] def set_series(self, series, unit='mm'): """ set the series for the analysis Args: series (pandas.Series): precipitation time-series unit (str, optional): Unit for rainfall (default: 'mm'). """ if not isinstance(series, pd.Series): raise IdfError('The series has to be a pandas Series.') if not isinstance(series.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): raise IdfError('The series has to have a DatetimeIndex.') # if is not None: # series = remove_timezone(series) self._freq = guess_freq(series.index) freq_minutes = delta2min(self._freq) self._parameters.filter_durations(freq_minutes) self.series = series.replace(0, np.nan).dropna() self._return_periods_frame = None self._rain_events = None self._rainfall_sum_frame = None self._unit = unit
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @property def duration_steps(self): """ get duration steps (in minutes) for the parameter calculation and basic evaluations Returns: list | numpy.ndarray: duration steps in minutes """ return self.parameters.durations @duration_steps.setter def duration_steps(self, durations): """ Set duration steps (in minutes) for the parameter calculation and basic evaluations. Args: durations (list | numpy.ndarray): duration steps in minutes """ if not isinstance(durations, (list, np.ndarray)): raise IdfError(f'Duration steps have to be {(list, np.ndarray)} got "{type(durations)}"') self.parameters.durations = durations @property def duration_steps_for_output(self): """ get duration steps (in minutes) for the parameter calculation and basic evaluations Returns: list | numpy.ndarray: duration steps in minutes """ if self._duration_steps_for_output is None: self._duration_steps_for_output = self.duration_steps.copy() return self._duration_steps_for_output @duration_steps_for_output.setter def duration_steps_for_output(self, durations): """ Set duration steps (in minutes) for the parameter calculation and basic evaluations. Args: durations (list | numpy.ndarray): duration steps in minutes """ if not isinstance(durations, (list, np.ndarray)): raise IdfError(f'Duration steps have to be {(list, np.ndarray)} got "{type(durations)}"') self._duration_steps_for_output = durations # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @property def parameters(self): """ get the calculation parameters calculation method depending on the used worksheet and on the duration also the parameters for each method to save some time and save the parameters with :func:`IntensityDurationFrequencyAnalyse.write_parameters` and read them later with :func:`IntensityDurationFrequencyAnalyse.read_parameters` Returns: IdfParameters: calculation parameters """ if not self._parameters.parameters_series and self._series is not None: self._parameters.calc_from_series(self.series) return self._parameters
[docs] def write_parameters(self, filename): """ save parameters as yaml-file to save computation time. Args: filename (str): filename for the parameters yaml-file """ self.parameters.to_yaml(filename)
[docs] def read_parameters(self, filename, worksheet=None): """ Read parameters from a .yaml-file to save computation time. Extract interim results from parameters. Args: filename (str, Path): filename of the parameters yaml-file. worksheet (str): ['DWA-A_531', 'ATV-A_121', 'DWA-A_531_advektiv'] """ self._parameters = IdfParameters.from_yaml(filename, worksheet)
[docs] def auto_save_parameters(self, filename: str or Path): """Auto-save the parameters as a yaml-file to save computation time.""" if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) if filename.is_file(): self.read_parameters(filename) else: if not filename.parent.is_dir(): filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True) self.write_parameters(filename)
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def depth_of_rainfall(self, duration, return_period): """ calculate the height of the rainfall h in L/m² = mm (respectively the unit of the series) Args: duration (int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series): duration: in minutes return_period (float): in years Returns: int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series: height of the rainfall h in L/m² = mm (respectively the unit of the series) """ if self.parameters.series_kind == SERIES.ANNUAL: if return_period < 5: print('WARNING: Using an annual series and a return period < 5 a will result in faulty values!') if return_period <= 10: return_period = np.exp(1.0 / return_period) / (np.exp(1.0 / return_period) - 1.0) log_tn = -np.log(np.log(return_period / (return_period - 1.0))) else: log_tn = np.log(return_period) u, w = self.parameters.get_u_w(duration) return u + w * log_tn
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def rain_flow_rate(self, duration, return_period): """ Convert the height of rainfall to the specific rain flow rate in [l/(s*ha)]. if 2 array-like parameters are give, an element-wise calculation will be made. So the length of the array must be the same. Args: duration (int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series): in minutes return_period (float): in years Returns: int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series: specific rain flow rate in [l/(s*ha)] """ known_units = {'mm', 'l/m²', 'l/m2'} if self._unit.lower() not in known_units: raise NotImplementedError(f'rain_flow_rate function not implemented for unit={self._unit} ({known_units=})') height_of_rainfall = self.depth_of_rainfall(duration=duration, return_period=return_period) return height2rate(height_of_rainfall=height_of_rainfall, duration=duration)
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def r_720_1(self): """ rain flow rate in [l/(s*ha)] for a duration of 12h and a return period of 1 year Returns: float: rain flow rate in [l/(s*ha)] """ return self.rain_flow_rate(duration=720, return_period=1)
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def get_return_period(self, height_of_rainfall, duration): """ calculate the return period, when the height of rainfall and the duration are given Args: height_of_rainfall (float): in [mm] duration (int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series): in minutes Returns: int | float | list | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series: return period in years """ u, w = self.parameters.get_u_w(duration) return np.exp((height_of_rainfall - u) / w)
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def get_duration(self, height_of_rainfall, return_period): """ calculate the duration, when the height of rainfall and the return period are given Args: height_of_rainfall (float): in [mm] return_period (float): in years Returns: float: duration in minutes """ return spo.newton(lambda d: self.depth_of_rainfall(d, return_period) - height_of_rainfall, x0=1)
# __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[docs] def result_table(self, durations=None, return_periods=None, add_names=False, add_unit=True, as_intensity=False): """ Get an idf-table of rainfall depth with return periods as columns and durations as rows. Args: durations (list | numpy.ndarray): list of durations in minutes for the table return_periods (list): list of return periods in years for the table add_names (bool): weather to use expressive names as index- & column-label add_unit (bool): weather to add units to index- & column-label Returns: pandas.DataFrame: idf table """ if durations is None: durations = self.duration_steps_for_output if return_periods is None: return_periods = [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75, 100] result_table = {} for t in return_periods: result_table[t] = self.depth_of_rainfall(durations, t) if as_intensity: result_table[t] /= durations / 60 # mm/h result_table = pd.DataFrame(result_table, index=durations) result_table.index = result_table.index.astype(int) # there should be no float in minutes if add_names: = 'duration' + (' (min)' if add_unit else '') result_table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(rp, round(1 / rp, 3)) for rp in result_table.columns]) result_table.columns.names = ['return period' + (' (a)' if add_unit else ''), 'frequency' + (' (1/a)' if add_unit else '')] return result_table
[docs] def get_rainfall_sum_frame(self, series=None, durations=None): """ Get a rainfall sum frame for any series with the duration steps as columns. Default: The time-series and the duration-steps of the analysis. Args: series (pandas.Series, Optional): rainfall time-series durations (list, Optional): list of durations in minutes which are of interest (default: pre-defined durations) Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Rain sum depending on the duration per datetime-index. """ if durations is None: durations = self.duration_steps_for_output if series is None: if self._rainfall_sum_frame is not None: return self._rainfall_sum_frame[durations] ts = self.series.copy() freq = self._freq else: freq = guess_freq(series.index) ts = series.copy() ts = ts.asfreq(freq).fillna(0) # ts = series.replace(0, np.nan).dropna() df = pd.DataFrame(index=ts.index) # df = {} freq_num = delta2min(freq) for d in frame_looper(ts.index.size, columns=durations, label='rainfall_sum'): if d % freq_num != 0: warnings.warn(f'Using durations (= {d} minutes), ' f'which are not a multiple of the base frequency (= {freq_num} minutes) of the series, ' f'will lead to misinterpretations.') df[d] = ts.rolling(pd.Timedelta(minutes=d)).sum() # printable_names (bool): if durations should be as readable in dataframe, else in minutes # df = df.rename(minutes_readable, axis=0) return df # .round(2)
@property def rainfall_sum_frame(self): """ Get the rainfall sum over the whole time-series for the default duration steps. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Rain sum depending on the duration per datetime-index. """ if self._rainfall_sum_frame is None: self._rainfall_sum_frame = self.get_rainfall_sum_frame() return self._rainfall_sum_frame
[docs] def get_return_periods_frame(self, series=None, durations=None): """ Get the return periods for any time-series with the duration steps as columns. Default: The time-series and the duration-steps of the analysis. Is NaN if rainfall sum is smaller than 0.1 mm. Args: series (pandas.Series, Optional): rainfall time-series durations (list, Optional): Durations in minutes which are of interest (default: pre-defined durations) Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Return periods depending on the duration per datetime-index. """ sums = self.get_rainfall_sum_frame(series=series, durations=durations) df = pd.DataFrame(index=sums.index) # df = {} for d in frame_looper(sums.index.size, columns=sums.columns, label='return_periods'): df[d] = self.get_return_period(height_of_rainfall=sums[d][sums[d] >= 0.1], duration=d) return df # .fillna(0)#.round(2)
@property def return_periods_frame(self): """ Get the return periods over the whole time-series for the default duration steps. Is NaN if rainfall sum is smaller than 0.1 mm. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: data-frame of return periods where the columns are the duration steps """ if self._return_periods_frame is None: self._return_periods_frame = self.get_return_periods_frame() return self._return_periods_frame
[docs] def write_return_periods_frame(self, filename, **kwargs): """save the return-periods dataframe as a parquet-file to save computation time.""" df = self.return_periods_frame.copy() df.columns = df.columns.to_series().astype(str) df.round(2).to_parquet(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_return_periods_frame(self, filename, **kwargs): """read the return-periods dataframe as a parquet-file to save computation time.""" df = pd.read_parquet(filename, **kwargs) df.columns = df.columns.to_series().astype(int) self._return_periods_frame = df
[docs] def auto_save_return_periods_frame(self, filename: Path or str): """auto-save the return-periods dataframe as a parquet-file to save computation time.""" if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) if filename.is_file(): self.read_return_periods_frame(filename) else: self.write_return_periods_frame(filename)
#################################################################################################################### @property def rain_events(self): """ get the all the rain events of the time-series default minimal gap between events is 4 hours Returns: pandas.DataFrame: data-frame of events with start-, end-time and duration """ if self._rain_events is None: events = rain_events(self.series, min_gap=max(pd.Timedelta(hours=4), self._freq)) events[COL.DUR] = event_duration(events) + pd.Timedelta(self._freq) events[COL.LP] = agg_events(events, self.series, 'sum').round(1) events[COL.LAST] = events[COL.START] - events[COL.END].shift() # events = events.sort_values(by=COL.LP, ascending=False) self._rain_events = events return self._rain_events
[docs] def write_rain_events(self, filename, sep=';', decimal='.'): """save the rain-events dataframe as a csv-file for external use or to save computation time.""" self.rain_events.to_csv(filename, index=False, sep=sep, decimal=decimal)
[docs] def read_rain_events(self, filename, sep=';', decimal='.'): """read the rain-events dataframe as a csv-file to save computation time.""" events = pd.read_csv(filename, skipinitialspace=True, sep=sep, decimal=decimal) events[COL.START] = pd.to_datetime(events[COL.START]) events[COL.END] = pd.to_datetime(events[COL.END]) events[COL.DUR] = pd.to_timedelta(events[COL.DUR]) events[COL.LAST] = pd.to_timedelta(events[COL.LAST]) self._rain_events = events
[docs] def auto_save_rain_events(self, filename: Path or str, sep=';', decimal='.'): """auto-save the rain-events dataframe as a csv-file to save computation time.""" if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) if filename.is_file(): self.read_rain_events(filename, sep=sep, decimal=decimal) else: self.write_rain_events(filename, sep=sep, decimal=decimal)
def add_max_return_periods_to_events(self, events): if COL.MAX_PERIOD not in events: return_periods_frame = self.return_periods_frame # maximum return period for every timestep max_periods = return_periods_frame.max(axis=1).fillna(0) # fill NaN -> weil < 0.1 gefiltert wurde datetime_max = agg_events(events, max_periods, 'idxmax') datetime_max = np.where(np.isnan(datetime_max), events[COL.START].values, datetime_max) # alternative: # [xv if c else yv for c, xv, yv in zip(np.isnan(datetime_max), events[COL.START].values, datetime_max)] if is not None: datetime_max = pd.DatetimeIndex(datetime_max).tz_localize('utc').tz_convert( events[COL.MAX_PERIOD] = max_periods[datetime_max].values _select_tn_frame = return_periods_frame.loc[datetime_max].copy() _select_tn_frame.loc[:, 0] = 0 events[COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION] = _select_tn_frame.idxmax(axis=1, skipna=True).values events[COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION] = events[COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION].replace(0, np.nan) def get_max_event_intensities_frame(self, events): sum_frame = self.rainfall_sum_frame di = {} for duration in self.duration_steps: di[duration] = agg_events(events, sum_frame[duration], 'max').round(2) return pd.DataFrame(di, index=events.index)
[docs] def add_max_intensities_to_events(self, events, column_format='max_sum_{:0.0f}'): """ Add the maximum intensities for all duration steps to the events table. Args: events (pandas.DataFrame): events table column_format (str): format of the column names. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: events table including the columns with the maximum intensities """ return pd.concat([events, self.get_max_event_intensities_frame(events).rename(columns=column_format.format)], axis=1)
def get_max_return_periods_per_durations_frame(self, events): return_periods_frame = self.return_periods_frame di = {} for duration in self.duration_steps: di[duration] = agg_events(events, return_periods_frame[duration], 'max').round(2) return pd.DataFrame(di, index=events.index)
[docs] def add_max_return_periods_per_duration_to_events(self, events, column_format='max_return_period_{:0.0f}'): """ Add the maximum return periods for all duration steps to the events table. Args: events (pandas.DataFrame): events table column_format (str): format of the column names. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: events table including the columns with the maximum return periods """ return pd.concat( [events, self.get_max_return_periods_per_durations_frame(events).rename(columns=column_format.format)], axis=1)
[docs] @classmethod def from_idf_table(cls, idf_table, worksheet=METHOD.KOSTRA, linear_interpolation=True): """ Create an IDF-analysis-object based on an idf-tabel (i.e. from a given KOSTRA table) Args: idf_table (pandas.DataFrame): idf-table with index=Durations and columns=return Period and values=Rainheight worksheet (str | optional): name of the worksheet to use. default: 'KOSTRA' linear_interpolation (bool): only use linear interpolation between parameters. Returns: IntensityDurationFrequencyAnalyse: idf-object """ idf = cls(worksheet=worksheet) idf._parameters.reverse_engineering(idf_table, linear_interpolation=linear_interpolation) idf.parameters.series_kind = 'from IDF table' return idf
#################################################################################################################### # ############################################### DESIGN RAINFALL ################################################## @property def model_rain_block(self): """ Create a model block rain class. Returns: _BlockRain: Synthetic model block rain. """ return _BlockRain(self) @property def model_rain_euler(self): """ Create a model Euler rain class. Returns: _EulerRain: Synthetic model Euler rain. """ return _EulerRain(self) #################################################################################################################### # ############################################### PLOTS ############################################################
[docs] def event_report(self, filename, min_event_rain_sum=25, min_return_period=0.5, durations=None): """ create pdf file with the biggest rain events for each event is represented by a plot of the rain series and a IDF analysis where the return periods are calculated Args: filename (str): path (directory + filename) for the created pdf-report min_event_rain_sum (float): only events with a bigger rain sum will be created min_return_period (float): only events with a bigger return period will be analysed (the plot will be created anyway) durations (list[int]): analysed durations (default: [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 360, 540, 720, 1080, 1440, 2880, 4320]) """ events = self.rain_events self.add_max_return_periods_to_events(events) main_events = events[ (events[COL.LP] > min_event_rain_sum) & (events[COL.MAX_PERIOD] > min_return_period)].sort_values( by=COL.MAX_PERIOD, ascending=False).to_dict( orient='index') column_name = 'Precipitation' pdf = PdfPages(filename) for _, event in get_progress_bar(main_events.items()): fig, caption = self.event_plot(event, min_return_period=min_return_period, column_name=column_name) # ------------------------------------- fig.get_axes()[0].set_title(caption + '\n\n\n') # DIN A4 fig.set_size_inches(w=8.27, h=11.69) # fig.tight_layout() pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) pdf.close()
def event_plot(self, event, durations=None, column_name='Precipitation', min_return_period=1., german_caption=False, max_duration=None): if isinstance(event, pd.Series): event = event.to_dict() plot_range = slice(event[COL.START] - pd.Timedelta(self._freq), event[COL.END] + pd.Timedelta(self._freq)) return_periods_frame = self.return_periods_frame[plot_range] if COL.MAX_PERIOD not in event: event[COL.MAX_PERIOD] = return_periods_frame.max().max() event[COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION] = return_periods_frame.max().idxmax() sum_frame_event = self.rainfall_sum_frame[plot_range] ts = self.series[plot_range].resample(self._freq).sum().fillna(0).copy() # ------------------------------------- fig = plt.figure() if event[COL.MAX_PERIOD] < min_return_period: rain_ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: if max_duration is None: if durations is not None: max_dur = max(durations) else: max_dur = max(self.duration_steps_for_output) else: max_dur = max_duration return_periods_frame_extended = self.get_return_periods_frame( self.series[event[COL.START] - pd.Timedelta(minutes=max_dur): event[COL.END] + pd.Timedelta(self._freq)].resample(self._freq).sum(), durations=durations ).round(1) idf_bar_ax = fig.add_subplot(211) idf_bar_ax = idf_bar_axes(idf_bar_ax, return_periods_frame_extended) rain_ax = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=idf_bar_ax) # ------------------------------------- ts_sum, minutes = resample_rain_series(ts) rain_ax = rain_bar_plot(ts_sum, rain_ax) rain_ax.set_ylabel(f'{column_name} in {self._unit}/{minutes if minutes != 1 else ""}min') if ts.index.size > 1: rain_ax.set_xlim(ts.index[0], ts.index[-1]) return fig, event_caption(event, self._unit, lang='de' if german_caption else 'en')
[docs] def curve_figure(self, min_duration=None, max_duration=None, logx=False, return_periods=None, color=True, ax=None, add_interim=False, duration_steps_ticks=False, add_range_limits=False, **kwargs): """ Create a plot with the idf-curves with duration on the x-axis and rainfall depth on the y-axis. Args: min_duration (float): Shortest duration on the plot. max_duration (float): Longest duration on the plot. logx (bool): Use a logarithmic scale on the x-axis. return_periods (list[int] | Optional): List of return periods to plot. Default = [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100] color (bool): Use color and a legend to differentiate between the return periods (default). Otherwise, annotation text and black lines. ax (plt.Axes): Axes to plot on. Default = create new one. add_interim (bool): Add interim results from the series analysis as scatter points. duration_steps_ticks (bool): set the duration steps as ticks on the x-axis. add_range_limits (bool): make vertical lines at each change of the duration range for the parameter formula. Returns: (plt.Figure, plt.Axes): figure and axes of the plot. """ duration_steps = self.parameters.durations if min_duration is not None: duration_steps = duration_steps[duration_steps >= min_duration] if max_duration is not None: duration_steps = duration_steps[duration_steps <= max_duration] # duration_steps = np.arange(min_duration, max_duration + 1, 1) if return_periods is None: return_periods = [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100] table = self.result_table(durations=duration_steps, return_periods=return_periods) if color: = 'T$\\mathsf{_N}$ in a' ax = table.plot(color=(None if color else 'black'), legend=color, ax=ax, **kwargs) if logx: # ax.set_xscale('log', base=10) ax.set_xscale('log', base=math.e) if duration_steps_ticks: ax.set_xticks(self.duration_steps) ax.set_xticklabels(duration_steps_readable(self.duration_steps), rotation=90) for _, return_time in enumerate(return_periods): if add_interim: p = self.parameters.measured_points(return_time, max_duration=duration_steps.max()) # p = measured_points(self, return_time, max_duration=max_duration) ax.plot(p, 'k' + 'x') if not color: x, y = list(table[return_time].tail(1).items())[0] ax.text(x, y, ' {} a'.format(return_time), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', # bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1.0, lw=1) ) if add_range_limits: for dur in self.parameters.parameters_final: if (dur < duration_steps.max()) and (dur > duration_steps.min()): ax.axvline(dur, color='k', lw=0.7, ls='--') ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', direction='out') if duration_steps_ticks: ax.set_xlabel('Duration D') else: ax.set_xlabel('Duration D in min') ax.set_ylabel('Rainfall h$\\mathsf{_N}$ in mm') ax.set_title('IDF curves') ax.grid(ls=':', lw=0.5) return ax.get_figure(), ax
# alias result_figure = curve_figure def event_return_period_report(self, filename, min_return_period=1): events = self.rain_events self.add_max_return_periods_to_events(events) main_events = events[events[COL.MAX_PERIOD] > min_return_period].sort_values(by=COL.MAX_PERIOD, ascending=False) pdf = PdfPages(filename) for _, event in get_progress_bar(main_events.to_dict(orient='index').items()): fig, ax = self.return_period_event_figure(event) # ------------------------------------- # DIN A4 fig.set_size_inches(h=11.69 / 2, w=8.27) # fig.tight_layout() pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) pdf.close() def return_period_event_figure(self, event): period_line = self.return_periods_frame[event[COL.START]:event[COL.END]].max() # period_line[period_line < 0.75] = np.nan period_line = period_line.dropna() ax = period_line.plot() # type: plt.Axes event_ = event.copy() event_[COL.MAX_PERIOD] = period_line.max() event_[COL.MAX_PERIOD_DURATION] = period_line.idxmax() ax.set_title(event_caption(event_, unit=self._unit, lang='en')) # ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_yscale('log') # print(ax.get_ylim()) # ax.set_ylim(0.01, 300) # exit() ax.set_xticks(period_line.index) ax.set_xticklabels([minutes_readable(m) for m in period_line.index]) ax.set_xlabel('duration steps') ax.set_ylabel('return period in years') return ax.get_figure(), ax def return_period_scatter(self, min_event_sum=25, durations=None): if durations is None: durations = [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 360, 540, 720, 1080, 1440, 2880, 4320] dur_short = durations[:durations.index(90)] dur_long = durations[durations.index(90):] events = self.rain_events events[COL.LP] = agg_events(events, self.series, 'sum') events = events[events[COL.LP] > min_event_sum].copy() tn_long_list = {} tn_short_list = {} for _, event in events.iterrows(): start = event[COL.START] end = event[COL.END] # save true idf_table = self.return_periods_frame[start:end] # idf_table = idf_table.rename(columns=minutes_readable) # idf_table[idf_table < min_return_period] = np.nan tn = idf_table.loc[start:end] tn_short = tn[dur_short].max().max() tn_long = tn[dur_long].max().max() if tn_long > tn_short: tn_long_list[start] = tn_long else: tn_short_list[start] = tn_short # check() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(x=list(tn_short_list.keys()), y=list(tn_short_list.values()), color='red') ax.scatter(x=list(tn_long_list.keys()), y=list(tn_long_list.values()), color='blue') fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_ylabel('Return Period in a') def line_in_legend(color=None, marker=None, lw=None, ls=None, **kwargs): from matplotlib.lines import Line2D return Line2D([0], [0], color=color, marker=marker, linewidth=lw, linestyle=ls, **kwargs) custom_lines = [] custom_lines.append(line_in_legend(color='red', marker='o', lw=0)) custom_lines.append(line_in_legend(color='blue', marker='o', lw=0)) # ----------------- l1 = ax.legend(custom_lines, ['< 60 min', '> 60 min'], loc='best', title='max Duration') ax.add_artist(l1) return fig, ax #################################################################################################################### # ############################################### CL TOOL ########################################################## @classmethod def command_line_tool(cls): user = heavy_rain_parser() # -------------------------------------------------- # use the same directory as the input file and make as subdir with the name of the input_file + "_idf_data" out = '{label}_idf_data'.format(label='.'.join(user.input.split('.')[:-1])) out = Path(out) if not out.is_dir(): out.mkdir() action = 'Creating' else: action = 'Using' print(f'{action} the subfolder "{out}" for the interim- and final-results.') prefix = 'idf_' # -------------------------------------------------- idf = cls(series_kind=user.series_kind, worksheet=user.worksheet, extended_durations=True) # -------------------------------------------------- parameters_fn = out / f'{prefix}parameters.yaml' if parameters_fn.is_file(): print(f'Found existing interim-results in "{parameters_fn}" and using them for calculations.') else: print(f'Start reading the time-series {user.input} for the analysis.') ts = import_series(user.input).replace(0, np.nan).dropna() # -------------------------------------------------- idf.set_series(ts) print('Finished reading.') # -------------------------------------------------- idf.auto_save_parameters(parameters_fn) # -------------------------------------------------- h = user.height_of_rainfall r = user.flow_rate_of_rainfall d = user.duration t = user.return_period if r is not None: if h is None and d is not None: h = rate2height(rain_flow_rate=r, duration=d) elif d is None and h is not None: d = h / r * 1000 / 6 if user.r_720_1: d = 720 t = 1 if any((h, d, t)): if all((d, t)): pass elif all((d, h)): t = idf.get_return_period(h, d) print(f'The return period is {t:0.1f} years.') elif all((h, t)): d = idf.get_duration(h, t) print(f'The duration is {d:0.1f} minutes.') print(f'Resultierende Regenhöhe h_N(T_n={t:0.1f}a, D={d:0.1f}min) = {idf.depth_of_rainfall(d, t):0.2f} mm') print( f'Resultierende Regenspende r_N(T_n={t:0.1f}a, D={d:0.1f}min) = {idf.rain_flow_rate(d, t):0.2f} L/(s*ha)') # -------------------------------------------------- if user.plot: fig, ax = idf.curve_figure() plot_fn = out / f'{prefix}curves_plot.png' fig.savefig(plot_fn, dpi=260) plt.close(fig) print(f'Created the IDF-curves-plot and saved the file as "{plot_fn}".') # -------------------------------------------------- if user.export_table: table = idf.result_table(add_names=True) print(table.round(2).to_string()) table_fn = out / f'{prefix}table.csv' table.to_csv(table_fn, sep=';', decimal=',', float_format='%0.2f') print(f'Created the IDF-curves-plot and saved the file as "{table_fn}".')