import math
import re
import numpy as np
from .helpers import channel_end, Circle
from .shape_generator import CrossSection
[docs]class CrossSectionHolding(CrossSection):
cross section class for Holding Graz
add_dim (bool): add the dimension (height x width) to the label and output filename
add_dn (bool): add the channel diameter (DN ...) to the label and output filename
[docs] def __init__(self, label, description=None, add_dim=False, add_dn=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialise the cross-section class
label (str): name/label/number of the cross-section
description (Optional[str]): optional description of the cross-section
add_dim (bool): if the dimensions should be added to :py:attr:`~out_filename` used for the export
add_dn (Optional[float]): if the channel dimension should be added to :py:attr:`~out_filename`
used for the export enter the diameter as float
**kwargs (object): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
Keyword Args:
description (Optional[str]): optional description of the cross section
height (float): absolute height of the CS
width (Optional[float]): absolute width of the CS (optional) can be calculated
working_directory (str): directory where the files get saved
unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots
if isinstance(label, float):
label = f'{label:0.0f}'
label = str(label)
label = label.strip('Pr_')
self.add_dim = add_dim
self.add_dn = add_dn
self.description = description
CrossSection.__init__(self, label, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f'CrossSectionHolding({self})'
def identifier(self):
s = 'Pr_' + self.label
if self.add_dim:
s += f'+{self.height:0.0f}'
if self.width:
s += f'x{self.width:0.0f}'
if self.add_dn:
s += f'+DN{self.add_dn:0.0f}'
return s
def name_string(self):
return self.identifier.replace('+', ' | ')
def title_string(self):
s = CrossSection.title_string(self)
if (self.description is not None) and (self.label != self.description):
s += f': {str(self.description).strip()}'
return s
[docs] @classmethod
def standard(cls, label, description=None, height=np.NaN, width=None, r_channel=None, r_roof=None, r_wall=None,
slope_bench=None, r_round=None, r_wall_bottom=None, h_bench=None, pre_bench=None, w_channel=None,
standard cross section
label (str): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
description (str): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
height (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
width (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
r_channel (float): radius of the dry-weather channel (=Trockenwetter Rinne)
w_channel (float): half width of the channel, only in combination with ``r_channel`` active
pre_bench (float): slope of the upper end of the channel in degree, only in combination with
``r_channel`` active
r_round (float): radius of the rounding of the edges, only in combination with ``r_channel`` active
h_bench (float): height where the bench begins, only in combination with ``r_channel`` active
slope_bench (float): slope of the bench (=Berme) in degree, or slope of the rainwater-floor (
r_roof (float): radius of the roof (=Decke)
r_wall (float): radius of the sidewall (=Seitenwand), only in combination with ``r_roof`` active
r_wall_bottom (float): radius of the bottom sidewall (=untere Seitenwand), only in combination with
``r_wall`` active
**kwargs (object): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
Keyword Args:
working_directory (str): directory where the files get saved
unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots
CrossSectionHolding: standard cross section
see :doc:`standard_cross_section`
.. figure:: images/standard.gif
:align: center
:alt: standard cross section
:figclass: align-center
Standard cross section
| english | deutsch |
| channel | Trockenwetter-Rinne |
| roof | Firste/Decke |
| wall | Seitenwand |
| bench | Berme |
# ------------------------------------------------
cross_section = cls(label=label, description=description, height=height, width=width, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------
# TW-Rinne
if r_channel is not None:
cross_section.add(Circle(r_channel, x_m=r_channel))
# ------------------------------------------------
if pre_bench is not None:
cross_section.add(channel_end(r_channel, pre_bench))
if (h_bench is not None) or (slope_bench is None):
cross_section.add(pre_bench, '°slope')
if h_bench is not None:
elif w_channel is not None:
cross_section.add(None, w_channel)
if h_bench is not None:
if r_round is None:
r_round = 0
cross_section.add(r_channel + r_round, r_channel)
# ------------------------------------------------
if slope_bench is not None:
# Berme winkel in °
cross_section.add(slope_bench, '°slope')
# ------------------------------------------------
if (r_channel is None) and (slope_bench is None):
cross_section.add(0, width / 2)
# ------------------------------------------------
if r_roof is None:
# eckige Decke
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
cross_section.add(height, width / 2)
if r_wall is None:
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
cross_section.add(height - r_roof, width / 2)
# ------------------------------------------------
h1 = math.sqrt((r_wall - r_roof) ** 2 - (r_wall - width / 2) ** 2)
# h_middle = round(height - r_roof - h1, 8)
h_middle = height - r_roof - h1
# ------------------------------------------------
if r_wall_bottom is None:
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
cross_section.add(h_middle, width / 2)
cross_section.add(Circle(r_wall_bottom, x_m=h_middle, y_m=width / 2 - r_wall_bottom))
# ------------------------------------------------
cross_section.add(Circle(r_wall, x_m=h_middle, y_m=width / 2 - r_wall))
cross_section.add(h_middle + h1 / (r_wall - r_roof) * r_wall)
# ------------------------------------------------
cross_section.add(Circle(r_roof, x_m=height - r_roof))
# ------------------------------------------------
return cross_section
[docs] @classmethod
def box(cls, label, height, width, channel=None, bench=None, roof=None, rounding=0.0, **kwargs):
pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section
label (str): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
height (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
width (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
channel (Optional[float]): diameter of the dry weather channel
bench (Optional[float]): bench (=Berme)
- ``''``: flache Berme
- ``'R'``: V-förmiges Profil
- ``'H'``: Schräge Verschneidung
roof (Optional[float]): roof (=Decke)
- ``''``: gerade
- ``'B'``: Bogen
- ``'K'``: Kreis
rounding (Optional[float]): rounding of the edges
**kwargs (object): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
Keyword Args:
description (Optional[str]): optional longer name of the cross section
working_directory (str): directory where the files get saved
unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots
CrossSectionHolding: pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section
see :doc:`show_case-kasten`
name = 'K'
cross_section = cls(label=label, height=height, width=width, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------
if channel is not None:
channel = float(channel)
if bench is None:
bench = ''
if roof is None:
roof = ''
# ------------------------------------------------
if channel or bench:
name += '.'
bench = str(bench).strip()
if isinstance(channel, float):
name += f'{channel:0.0f}'
# diameter to radius
channel /= 2
cross_section.add(Circle(channel, x_m=channel))
if isinstance(bench, str):
# '' | 'R' | 'H'
if bench != '45':
name += str(bench)
if bench == 'R':
cross_section.add(30, '%slope')
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
elif bench == 'H':
cross_section.add(channel_end(channel, 45))
cross_section.add(45, '°slope')
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
elif bench == '45':
cross_section.add(channel_end(channel, 45))
cross_section.add(45, '°slope')
cross_section.add(channel + rounding)
cross_section.add(channel + rounding, width / 2)
# Berme
# cross_section.add(channel, width / 2)
# cross_section.add(channel + rounding, width / 2)
# --------either this
cross_section.add(channel_end(channel, 45))
cross_section.add(45, '°slope')
# --------or this
# cross_section.add(channel, channel)
# --------
cross_section.add(channel + rounding, None)
cross_section.add(5, '°slope')
cross_section.add(None, width / 2)
# ebene Sohle
cross_section.add(0, width / 2)
# ------------------------------------------------
if roof:
# '' | 'B' | 'K'
name += '_' + str(roof)
if roof == '':
# gerade Decke
cross_section.add(height, width / 2)
elif roof == 'B':
# Bogen-Decke
cross_section.add(height - width * (1 - math.cos(math.radians(30))), width / 2)
cross_section.add(Circle(width, x_m=height - width))
elif roof == 'K':
# Kreis Decke
cross_section.add(height - width / 2, width / 2)
cross_section.add(Circle(width / 2, x_m=height - width / 2))
# gerade Decke
cross_section.add(height, width / 2)
# ------------------------------------------------
if cross_section.label is None or cross_section.label == '':
cross_section.label = name
return cross_section
[docs] @classmethod
def box_from_string(cls, label, **kwargs):
create pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section with the string label.
This function takes the information from the label and pass them to the :py:attr:`~box` - function.
label (str): see the :doc:`show_case-kasten`
**kwargs (object): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
Keyword Args:
height (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
width (float): see :py:attr:`~__init__`
rounding (Optional[float]): rounding of the edges
description (Optional[str]): optional longer name of the cross section
working_directory (str): directory where the files get saved
unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots
CrossSectionHolding: pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section
see :doc:`show_case-kasten`
.. figure:: images/Kasten-Profile.gif
:align: center
:alt: Kasten-Profile
:figclass: align-center
infos = re.findall(r'(K)(\.?)(\d*)([RH]?)_?([BK]?)', label) # _(\d+)x(\d+)
# 'Pr_K.30K' == 'Pr_K.30_K'
if len(infos) == 1:
infos = infos[0]
_, _, channel, bench, roof = infos
if channel != '':
channel = float(channel)
channel = None
bench, roof = [x_ if x_ != '' else None for x_ in (bench, roof)]
cross_section =, channel=channel, bench=bench, roof=roof, **kwargs)
return cross_section
# --------------------------------------
raise NotImplementedError(f'"{label}" unknown !')
[docs] @classmethod
def from_point_cloud(cls, relative_coordinates, *args, **kwargs):
get the cross sections from a point cloud where every point is relative to the lowers point in the
cross section
relative_coordinates (list[tuple[float, float]] | numpy.array): list of height- and width tuple
with the origin in the lowest point of the cross section
*args: arguments, see :py:attr:`~__init__`
**kwargs: keyword arguments, see :py:attr:`~__init__`
Keyword Args:
label (str): main name/label/number of the cross section
description (Optional[str]): optional longer name of the cross section
height (float): absolute height of the CS
width (Optional[float]): absolute width of the CS (optional) can be calculated
working_directory (str): directory where the files get saved
unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots
add_dim (bool): if the dimensions should be added to :py:attr:`~out_filename` used for the export
add_dn (Optional[float]): if the channel dimension should be added to :py:attr:`~out_filename`
used for the export enter the diameter as float
CrossSectionHolding: of the point cloud
.. figure:: images/point_cloud.gif
:align: center
:alt: point cloud
:figclass: align-center
Point cloud
if isinstance(relative_coordinates, (list, tuple)):
x, y = zip(*relative_coordinates)
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
elif isinstance(relative_coordinates, np.ndarray):
x = relative_coordinates[:, 0]
y = relative_coordinates[:, 1]
raise NotImplementedError()
height = max(y)
width = max(x) - min(x)
kwargs.update({'height': height, 'width': width})
cross_section = cls(*args, **kwargs)
# for the interpolation
y = np.append(y, [0])
x = np.append(x, [0])
yi = sorted(set(y))
xi = np.interp(yi, y[:np.argmax(y) + 1], x[:np.argmax(y) + 1]) - \
np.interp(yi, y[::-1][:np.argmax(y[::-1]) + 1], x[::-1][:np.argmax(y[::-1]) + 1])
xi /= 2
for x, y in zip(yi, xi):
if y == 0 and x in (0, height):
cross_section.add(x, y)
return cross_section