Source code for shape_generator.shape_generator

import warnings

import numpy as np

from .helpers import (Circle, _CustomExpr, Slope, Horizontal, get_intersection_point,
                      Vertical, ramer_douglas)

g = 9.81  # m/s² Erdbeschleunigung
ny = 1.31e-6  # m²/s bei 10°C von Wasser

# number of points to describe the shape of the cross-section
# 100 is the limit of points which can be used as a SWMM shape

[docs]class CrossSection: """main class A Class that should help to generate custom cross-section shapes for the SWMM software. Attributes: label (str): name/label/number of the cross-section shape (list): descriptions of the cross-section as commands in a list accuracy (int): number of decimal points to use for the export unit (str): unit of entered values double (bool): if the cross-section two separate cross-sections points (list): points of the final cross-section simplify (bool): if the ramer-douglas algorithm should be used to simplify curve """
[docs] def __init__(self, label, height=None, width=None, unit=None, double=False, accuracy=3, simplify=True): """Initialise the cross-section class Args: label (str): name/label/number of the cross-section height (float): absolute height of the CS width (Optional[float]): absolute width of the CS (optional) can be estimated unit (Optional[str]): enter unit to add the unit in the plots simplify (bool): if the ramer-douglas algorithm should be used to simplify curve """ self.label = label self._height = height self._width = width self.unit = unit # _______________________________ self.shape = list() self._shape_description = None # functions to describe the cross-section # _______________________________ self.accuracy = accuracy self.double = double self.simplify = simplify # _______________________________ # Profile data self.points = list() # _______________________________ # calculate stationary flow self._area_v = None self._r_hyd_v = None self._l_u_v = None self._r_hyd_v = None self._v_v = None
def __repr__(self): return f'CrossSection({self})' def __str__(self): return f'{self.title_string()}' @property def identifier(self): return f'{self.label}' def name_string(self): return f'{self.label}' def title_string(self): return self.label @property def height(self): """ absolute height of the CS Returns: float: absolute height of the CS """ return self._height @property def width(self): """ absolute width of the CS Returns: float: absolute width of the CS """ return self._width
[docs] def get_width(self): """ get absolute width of cross-section Returns: float: width of cross-section """ if not self.get_points(): return None else: return max(self.points[1]) * 2
[docs] def get_height(self): """ get absolute height of cross-section Returns: float: height of cross-section """ if not self.get_points(): return None else: return max(self.points[0])
[docs] def set_double_cross_section(self): """ make the cross-section as a double section (=Doppelprofil) """ self.double = True
def _reset_shape(self): self.points = list() self._shape_description = None
[docs] def add(self, x_or_expr, y=None): """ add part of cross-section can be a: - function/expression - point (x,y) coordinates - boundary condition (x or y) of a surrounding function = only x or y is given and the other is :obj:`None` - slope (x=slope, y=unit of slope) Args: x_or_expr (Optional[float , None, CustomExpr]): - :obj:`float` : x coordinate or x-axis boundary or slope if any str keyword is used in argument ``y`` - :obj:`CustomExpr` : Expression/function for the cross-section part, i.e.: :obj:`shape_generator.Circle`, :obj:`Slope`, :obj:`Vertical`, :obj:`Horizontal` - :obj:`None` : if a y-axis boundary is given y (Optional[float,str]): y coordinate of unit of slope - :obj:`float` : x coordinate or x-axis boundary - :obj:`None` : if a x-axis boundary is given or an expression in ``x_or_expr`` - :obj:`str` : argument x is a slope - ``slope`` : ready to use slope 1 / :math:`\\Delta` y - ``°slope`` : slope as an angle in degree (°) - ``%slope`` : slope in percentage (%) """ self._reset_shape() if isinstance(x_or_expr, _CustomExpr): self.shape.append(x_or_expr) else: if x_or_expr is not None: x = float(x_or_expr) else: x = x_or_expr if isinstance(y, str) and 'slope' in y: if x == 0: self.shape.append(Horizontal()) else: unit = y.replace('slope', '') self.shape.append(Slope(x, unit=unit)) else: if y is not None: y = float(y) self.shape.append((x, y))
@property def shape_description(self): """ list of functions to describe the cross-section shape Returns: list: description of the cross-section shape """ if self._shape_description is None: # result list expr_list = [] # boundary condition point_final = (self.height, 0) is_next_final_point = False for i, shape_i in enumerate(self.shape): # _________________________________ if i == 0: point_prev = (0, 0) else: point_prev = expr_list[-1].get_end_point() # _________________________________ # boundary condition if (i + 1) == len(self.shape): is_next_final_point = True shape_next = point_final else: shape_next = self.shape[i + 1] # ____________________________________________________________ if isinstance(shape_i, tuple): # shape_i ist ein tuple aus x und y Koordinate (x,y) # nächster Punkt in der Shape point_i = shape_i expr_i = None if (point_i[0] is None) or (point_i[1] is None): # this part is only used as boundary condition if is_next_final_point: expr_i = Slope.from_points(point_prev, point_final) expr_list.append(expr_i) continue if (point_prev[1] is not None) and (point_prev != point_i): expr_i = Slope.from_points(point_prev, point_i) expr_list.append(expr_i) if is_next_final_point and (point_i != point_final): expr_i = Slope.from_points(point_i, point_final) expr_list.append(expr_i) del point_i, expr_i # ____________________________________________________________ elif isinstance(shape_i, _CustomExpr): # shape_i ist eine Funktion zur Beschreibung der Shape expr_i = shape_i # CustomExpr = Horizontal, Vertical, Circle, Slope expr_i.set_start_point(point_prev) if isinstance(shape_next, tuple): expr_i.set_end_point(shape_next) elif isinstance(shape_next, _CustomExpr): expr_i.set_end_point(get_intersection_point(expr_i, expr2=shape_next, x_from=point_prev[0], x_to=self.height)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown Input in shape') expr_list.append(expr_i) del expr_i # ____________________________________________________________ self._shape_description = expr_list return self._shape_description def iter_shape_description(self): for shape in self.shape_description: # type: _CustomExpr yield shape.x0, shape.x1, shape
[docs] def get_points(self): """create absolute point coordinates and write it into :py:attr:`~points` To create a :obj:`list[tuple]` of all the points to describe the cross-section. This function replaces the Expressions given in :py:attr:`~add` to points with x and y coordinates and writes them into the :py:attr:`~points` attribute. Returns: list[list[float,float]]: absolute point coordinates """ if not self.points: step = 10 ** (-self.accuracy) * self.height x = list() y = list() for shape in self.shape_description: x_i, y_i = shape.get_points(step) # drop duplicate point in intersections if x and (x_i[0] == x[-1]) and (y_i[0] == y[-1]): x += x_i[1:] y += y_i[1:] else: x += x_i y += y_i # ---------- if self.simplify: x, y = zip(*ramer_douglas(list(zip(x, y)), dist=step)) else: x_, y_ = zip(*ramer_douglas(list(zip(x, y)), dist=step)) if len(x) != len(x_): print(f'Possible reduction with keyword `simplify=True´: from {len(x)} to {len(x_)} points ' f'(with Ramer-Douglas, distance={step})') # ---------- if len(x) > MAX_NUMBER_POINTS: if not self.simplify and (len(x_) <= MAX_NUMBER_POINTS): warnings.warn(f'to many points (n={len(x)}) -> set simplify=True (n={len(x_)})') self.simplify = True return self.get_points() # ---------- # number of expressions used in shape warnings.warn(f'to many points (n={len(x)}) -> reduce accuracy') num_arcs = sum([isinstance(i, Circle) for i in self.shape_description]) if not num_arcs: raise UserWarning('No arcs but to many points -> UNKNOWN') # number of fixed points in shape num_points = (len(self.shape_description) - num_arcs) * 2 # calculate the net height of the circle functions. function_steps = {i: s[1] - s[0] for i, s in enumerate(self.iter_shape_description()) if isinstance(self.shape_description[i], Circle)} # step size used to discretise the expressions step2 = sum(function_steps.values()) / (MAX_NUMBER_POINTS - num_points) self.accuracy = np.log10(step2 / self.height) * -1 return self.get_points() # ------------------------- # prevent duplicate x values (raises SWMM error) if len(x[1:-1]) != len(set(x[1:-1])): x = list(x) for i in range(1, len(x)-1): if (x[i] != 0) and (x[i] == x[i-1]): x[i] += step # ------------------------- self.points = x, y return self.points
[docs] def profile_axis(self, ax, relative=False, half=False, fill=False, marker='.', ls='-', **kwargs): """ plot the shape curve on an axes Args: ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes): plot axes relative (bool): if the plot should be in relative size half (bool): if ony the half curve should be plotted fill (bool): if the curve should be fill on the inside marker (str): marker of the curve ls (str): line-style of the curve **kwargs: plot keyword arguments Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes: plot axes """ x, y = self.get_points() hi = np.array(x) wi = np.array(y) height = self.get_height() if relative: hi /= height wi /= height if not half: hi = np.append(hi, hi[::-1]) wi = np.append(wi, wi[::-1]*-1) # ------------------------- ax.plot(wi, hi, marker=marker, ls=ls, zorder=1000000, clip_on=False, **kwargs) if fill: ax.fill(wi, hi) return ax
[docs] def profile_figure(self, relative=False, half=False, fill=False, **kwargs): """ create a plot of the cross-section Args: relative (bool): if the plot should be in relative size half (bool): if ony the half curve should be plotted fill (bool): if the curve should be fill on the inside **kwargs: plot keyword arguments Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure: figure of the plot """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def ceil_base(i, base): return base * np.ceil(float(i) / base) # ------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = self.profile_axis(ax, relative=relative, half=half, fill=fill, **kwargs) h = self.get_height() w = self.get_width() / 2 # ------------------------- title = self.title_string() if relative: base = 0.1 w /= h h = 1 # ------------------------- ax.set_ylabel('rel H') ax.set_xlabel('$^B/_H$') else: base = 10 ** np.floor(np.log10(w)) if base % 1 == 0: base = int(base) # ------------------------- title = f'{title}\n{h:0.0f}x{ceil_base(w * 2, base/2):0.0f}' if self.unit is not None: title += self.unit ax.set_title(title) xlim = ceil_base(w, base) ylim = ceil_base(h, base) # title += f'\nRaster: {base}' ax.text(xlim - base * .5, 0, str(base), size='xx-small', ha='center', va='top') ax.text(xlim, base * .5, str(base), size='xx-small', va='center', ha='left', rotation=90) # ------------------------- if half: xlim_left = 0 else: xlim_left = -xlim # ------------------------- ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box') ax.set_xticks(np.arange(xlim_left, xlim, base), minor=False) if base / 2 != 0: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(xlim_left, xlim, base / 2), minor=True) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, ylim, base), minor=False) if base / 2 != 0: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, ylim, base / 2), minor=True) ax.tick_params(which='both', length=0, width=0, labelbottom=False, labeltop=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, bottom=False, top=False, left=False, right=False) ax.set_xlim(xlim_left, xlim) ax.set_ylim(0, ylim) ax.grid(True) ax.set_axisbelow(True) # ------------------ fig.tight_layout() return fig
#################################################################################################################### # testing new functions ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def b_w_t(self, hi): """ width of the cross-section at a certain height (Wasseroberflächenbreite im teilgefüllten Querschnitt) Args: hi (float | numpy.ndarray): a certain height Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: width at the certain height """ if isinstance(hi, np.ndarray): w = np.array([np.NaN] * hi.size) # w = hi.copy() for i, (lower, upper, f) in enumerate(self.iter_shape_description()): b = (hi >= lower) & (hi <= upper) w[b] = f.solve_y(hi[b]) return w * 2 else: for lower, upper, f in self.iter_shape_description(): if lower <= hi <= upper: return f.solve_y(hi) * 2
[docs] def l_u_t(self, hi): """ wetted perimeter in the partial-filled cross-section at a certain water level height (benetzter Umfang im teilgefüllten Querschnitt) Args: hi (float | numpy.ndarray): a certain height Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: wetted perimeter at the certain height """ if isinstance(hi, np.ndarray): l = np.array([0.] * hi.size) for i, (lower, upper, f) in enumerate(self.iter_shape_description()): b = hi > upper l[b] += f.length(lower, upper) b = (hi >= lower) & (hi <= upper) l[b] += f.length(lower, hi[b]) else: l = 0 for lower, upper, f in self.iter_shape_description(): if hi > upper: l += f.length(lower, upper) elif lower <= hi <= upper: l += f.length(lower, hi) break else: break return l * 2
@property def l_u_v(self): """ wetted perimeter of the full-filled cross-section (benetzter Umfang im vollgefüllten Querschnitt) Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: wetted perimeter """ if self._l_u_v is None: self._l_u_v = self.l_u_t(self.height) return self._l_u_v
[docs] def area_t(self, hi): """ flow area in the partial-filled cross-section at a certain water level height (Fließquerschnitt im teilgefüllten Querschnitt) Args: hi (float | numpy.ndarray): a certain height Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: flow area at the certain height """ if isinstance(hi, np.ndarray): a = np.array([0.] * hi.size) for i, (lower, upper, f) in enumerate(self.iter_shape_description()): b = hi > upper a[b] += f.area(lower, upper) b = (hi >= lower) & (hi <= upper) a[b] += f.area(lower, hi[b]) else: a = 0 for lower, upper, f in self.iter_shape_description(): if hi > upper: a += f.area(lower, upper) elif lower <= hi <= upper: a += f.area(lower, hi) break else: break return a * 2
@property def area_v(self): """ flow area of the full-filled cross-section (Fließquerschnitt im vollgefüllten Querschnitt) Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: flow area """ if self._area_v is None: self._area_v = self.area_t(self.height) return self._area_v
[docs] def r_hyd_t(self, hi): """ hydraulic radius in the partial-filled cross-section at a certain water level height (hydraulischer Radius im teilgefüllten Querschnitt) Args: hi (float | numpy.ndarray): a certain height Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: hydraulic radius at the certain height """ return self.area_t(hi) / self.l_u_t(hi)
@property def r_hyd_v(self): """ hydraulic radius of the full-filled cross-section (hydraulischer Radius im vollgefüllten Querschnitt) Returns: float | numpy.ndarray: hydraulic radius """ if self._r_hyd_v is None: self._r_hyd_v = self.area_v / self.l_u_v return self._r_hyd_v ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def velocity_v(self, slope, k): """ velocity in a full-filled channel Args: slope (float): absolute slope in m/m k (float): Betriebliche Rauigkeit in mm Returns: float: full-filling velocity in m/s References: DWA-A 110 Section 4.1.1 Vollfüllung """ if self._v_v is None: self._v_v = dict() if k not in self._v_v: self._v_v[k] = dict() if slope not in self._v_v[k]: self._v_v[k][slope] = None if self._v_v[k][slope] is None: r_hyd = self.r_hyd_v / 1000 # from mm to m J = slope # / 1000 k = k / 1000 # from mm to m self._v_v[k][slope] = ( -2 * np.log10(2.51 * ny / (4 * r_hyd * np.sqrt(2 * g * J)) + k / (14.84 * r_hyd)) * np.sqrt( 2 * g * 4 * r_hyd * J)) return self._v_v[k][slope]
[docs] def velocity_t(self, hi, slope, k): """ velocity in a partial-filled channel at a certain water level height Args: hi (float): water level = height in mm slope (float): absolute slope in m/m k (float): Betriebliche Rauigkeit in mm Returns: float: velocity in m/s References: DWA-A 110 Section 4.1.2 Teilfüllung """ return (self.r_hyd_t(hi) / self.r_hyd_v) ** 0.625 * self.velocity_v(slope, k)
[docs] def flow_t(self, hi, slope, k): """ flow in a partial-filled channel at a certain water level height Args: hi (float): water level = height in mm slope (float): absolute slope in m/m k (float): Betriebliche Rauigkeit in mm Returns: float: flow rate in L/s """ return self.velocity_t(hi, slope, k) * self.area_t(hi) * 1.0e-6 * 1000
[docs] def flow_v(self, slope, k): """ flow in a full-filled channel Args: slope (float): absolute slope in m/m k (float): Betriebliche Rauigkeit in mm Returns: float: full-filled flow rate in L/s """ return self.velocity_v(slope, k) * self.area_v * 1.0e-6 * 1000
[docs] def h_t(self, Q_t, slope, k): """ get the height of the water level based on the known flow Args: Q_t (float): flow in L/s slope (float): absolute slope in m/m k (float): Betriebliche Rauhigkeit in mm Returns: float: height of the water level """ # hi = '?' # self.flow_t(hi, slope, k) # self.flow_v(slope, k) from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar res = minimize_scalar(lambda hi: abs(Q_t - self.flow_t(hi, slope, k)), bounds=(0, self.height), method='bounded') return res.x
#################################################################################################################### # swmm_api functions ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def to_curve(self): """create a SWMM curve object with the data of the swmm-shape_generator-CrossSection""" from swmm_api.input_file.sections import Curve x, y = self.get_points() # [1:-1] without first and last point / not needed in swmm height = np.array(x[1:-1]) / self.height area = np.array(y[1:-1]) / self.height * 2 return Curve(Name=self.identifier, Type=Curve.TYPES.SHAPE, points=[[float(h), float(a)] for h, a in zip(height, area)])
[docs] @classmethod def from_curve(cls, curve, height=100, *args, **kwargs): """ create an object with the data of the swmm curve data as relative coordinates Args: curve (swmm_api.input_file.sections.Curve): Curve object of the CURVES section in the inp-data file height (float): absolute height of the CS *args: arguments, see :attr:`CrossSection.__init__` **kwargs: keyword arguments, see :attr:`CrossSection.__init__` Returns: CrossSection: of the shape coordinates """ cross_section = CrossSection(curve.Name, height=height, *args, **kwargs) for x, y in curve.points: cross_section.add(x * height, y * height / 2) return cross_section