Source code for shape_generator.helpers

import math
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

[docs]def deg2slope(degree): """ convert degrees to a slope (:math:`\\Delta x / \\Delta y`) Args: degree (float): angle in degree Returns: float: slope .. figure:: images/slope.gif :align: center :alt: slope :figclass: align-center Slope """ return math.tan(math.radians(degree))
[docs]def channel_end(r, end_degree): """ get vertical end of the channel based on the radius of the channel and an end angle Args: r (float): radius of the channel end_degree (float): end angle in degree (°) Returns: float: height of the channel when the circle reaches a certain angle .. figure:: images/channel_end.gif :align: center :alt: channel end :figclass: align-center Channel end """ return r * (1 - math.cos(math.radians(end_degree)))
def get_intersection_point(expr1, expr2, x_from, x_to): from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar x_i = minimize_scalar(lambda j: abs(expr1.solve_y(j) - expr2.solve_y(j)), bounds=(x_from, x_to), method='bounded', options=dict(xatol=.01)).x # y_i = float(expr1.solve_y(x_i)) # import sympy as sy # # these variables are used to solve symbolic mathematical equations # # x is the control variable over the height ... max(x) = H_cross_section # x = sy.Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True) # # expr_eq = expr1.expr(x) - expr2.expr(x) # # res = sy.solve(expr_eq, x) # if len(res) == 0: # # x_i = minimize_scalar(lambda j: float(expr_eq.subs(x, j)), # bounds=(x_from, x_to), method='bounded').x # # elif len(res) == 1: # x_i = float(res[0]) # else: # # multiple results # # TODO: how to handle it # x_i = float(res[0]) y_i = float(expr1.solve_y(x_i)) return x_i, y_i #################################################################################################################### class _CustomExpr(ABC): def __init__(self): self.x0 = None self.y0 = None self.x1 = None self.y1 = None def __repr__(self): return 'Custom Function' @abstractmethod def expr(self, x): pass @abstractmethod def solve_y(self, i): pass @abstractmethod def solve_x(self, y): pass @abstractmethod def length(self, i0, i1): pass @abstractmethod def area(self, i0, i1): pass def _fix_point(self, point): x, y = point if x is None: x = float(self.solve_x(y)) if y is None: y = float(self.solve_y(x)) return x, y def set_start_point(self, point): """set start point""" x0, y0 = self._fix_point(point) self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 def set_end_point(self, point): """set end point""" x1, y1 = self._fix_point(point) self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 if self.get_start_point() == self.get_end_point(): warnings.warn('unused part of the shape detected. Ignoring this part.') def get_start_point(self): """get the start point""" return self.x0, self.y0 def get_end_point(self): """get the end point""" return self.x1, self.y1 def get_points(self, *args, **kwargs): """ get the point coordinates for the shape-generator Args: *args: **kwargs: Returns: tuple[list, list] """ pass #################################################################################################################### class _Linear(_CustomExpr, ABC): """abstract linear function""" def __init__(self): _CustomExpr.__init__(self) def set_points(self, start, end): """ set the slope by giving the start and end point Args: start (tuple[float, float]): start point of the linear function end (tuple[float, float]): end point of the linear function """ self.set_start_point(start) self.set_end_point(end) @classmethod def from_points(cls, start, end): """ get a linear function by giving the start and end point Args: start (tuple[float, float]): start point of the linear function end (tuple[float, float]): end point of the linear function Returns: _Linear: linear function """ x0, y0 = start x1, y1 = end if abs(y0 - y1) < 1.0e-6: new_obj = Vertical(y0) elif abs(x0 - x1) < 1.0e-6: new_obj = Horizontal(x0) else: slope = (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0) new_obj = Slope(slope) new_obj.set_points(start, end) return new_obj def get_points(self, *args, **kwargs): """get the point coordinates for the shape-generator""" x0, y0 = self.get_start_point() x1, y1 = self.get_end_point() return [x0, x1], [y0, y1]
[docs]class Slope(_Linear): """ get function/expression of a straight line with a given point which it intercepts Args: slope (float): slope unit (str): point as a set of a x and a y coordinate Returns: sympy.core.expr.Expr: linear function .. figure:: images/gerade.gif :align: center :alt: straight line :figclass: align-center Straight line """
[docs] def __init__(self, slope, unit=None): if unit is None or unit == '': self.slope = slope elif unit == '°': self.slope = deg2slope(slope) elif unit == '%': self.slope = slope / 100 else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown Unit for slope function') _Linear.__init__(self)
def __repr__(self): return f'Slope Function (k={self.slope:0.2f}, zero=[{self.x0:0.2f}, {self.y0:0.2f}])'
[docs] def expr(self, x): """get sympy expression""" return self.y0 + (x - self.x0) / self.slope
[docs] def solve_y(self, x): """get y value""" return self.y0 + (x - self.x0) / self.slope
[docs] def solve_x(self, y): """get x value""" return self.x0 + (y - self.y0) * self.slope
[docs] def length(self, i0, i1): """get shape length between two values""" return math.sqrt((self.solve_y(i0) - self.solve_y(i1)) ** 2 + (i0 - i1) ** 2)
[docs] def area(self, x0, x1): """get shape area between two values""" return (self.solve_y(x0) + self.solve_y(x1)) / 2 * np.abs(x0 - x1)
[docs]class Vertical(_Linear): """ function of a vertical line for a shape curve this means a constant width """
[docs] def __init__(self, y=None): """ Args: y (float): y value of the vertical line """ _Linear.__init__(self) if y is not None: self.set_y(y)
def __repr__(self): return f'Vertical Function (y={self.y:0.2f})' def expr(self, x): return self.y + x * 0 def solve_y(self, x): if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return [self.y]*len(x) else: return self.y def solve_x(self, y): pass def length(self, x0, x1): return x1 - x0 def area(self, x0, x1): return self.length(x0, x1) * self.y @property def y(self): return self.y0 def set_y(self, y): self.y0 = y self.y1 = y
[docs]class Horizontal(_Linear): """ function of a horizontal line """
[docs] def __init__(self, x=None): _Linear.__init__(self) if x is not None: self.set_x(x)
def __repr__(self): return 'Horizontal Function' def expr(self, x): return self.y1 def solve_y(self, i): pass def solve_x(self, y): if isinstance(y, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return [self.x]*len(y) else: return self.x def length(self, i0, i1): return np.abs(self.y1 - self.y0) def area(self, i0, i1): return 0 @property def x(self): return self.x0 def set_x(self, x): self.x0 = x self.x1 = x
[docs]class Circle(_CustomExpr): """ function of a circle .. figure:: images/kreis.gif :align: center :alt: circle :figclass: align-center Circle """
[docs] def __init__(self, r, x_m=0, y_m=0, clockwise=False): """ Args: r (float): radius x_m (float): x axis value of the mid point y_m (float): y axis value of the mid point clockwise (bool): whether the circle is clockwise or anticlockwise """ self.r = float(r) self.x_m = float(x_m) self.y_m = float(y_m) self.clockwise = clockwise _CustomExpr.__init__(self)
def __repr__(self): return f'Circle Function (radius={self.r:0.2f}, mid=[{self.x_m:0.2f}, {self.y_m:0.2f}])'
[docs] def expr(self, x): """ get function/expression of a circle with a given mid point Returns: sympy.core.expr.Expr: function of the circle """ import sympy as sy return sy.sqrt(sy.Float(self.r) ** 2 - (x - sy.Float(self.x_m)) ** 2) * (-1 if self.clockwise else 1) + \ sy.Float(self.y_m)
def _alpha(self, i): """ angle in the circle of a point to the horizontal Args: i: variable Returns: float: angle in rad """ if isinstance(i, np.ndarray): return np.arctan((i - self.x_m) / (self.solve_y(i) - self.y_m)) else: if (self.solve_y(i) - self.y_m) == 0: a = math.pi / 2 if (i - self.x_m) < 0: a *= -1 else: a = np.arctan((i - self.x_m) / (self.solve_y(i) - self.y_m)) return a def _d_alpha(self, i0, i1): """ difference of the angle in the circle of two points Args: i0: start variable i1: end variable Returns: float: difference of the angle in rad """ return np.abs(self._alpha(i0) - self._alpha(i1)) def solve_y(self, x): return np.sqrt(self.r ** 2 - (x - self.x_m) ** 2) * (-1 if self.clockwise else 1) + self.y_m def solve_x(self, y): return np.sqrt(self.r ** 2 - (y - self.y_m) ** 2) * (-1 if self.clockwise else 1) + self.x_m def length(self, i0, i1): return self._d_alpha(i0, i1) * self.r def area(self, i0, i1): alpha = self._d_alpha(i0, i1) return self.r ** 2 / 2 * (alpha - np.sin(alpha)) + (self.solve_y(i0) + self.solve_y(i1)) / 2 * (i1 - i0)
[docs] def get_points(self, step): """get the point coordinates for the shape-generator""" nx = np.arange(self.x0, self.x1 + step, step).clip(max=self.x1) ny = self.solve_y(nx) return zip(*ramer_douglas(list(zip(list(nx), list(ny))), dist=step))
#################################################################################################################### # Python package: # # # ist aber nicht schnell (Faktor 10 langsamer) # #–Douglas–Peucker_algorithm # # Code von hier: # def _vec2d_dist(p1, p2): return (p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2 def _vec2d_sub(p1, p2): return p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1] def _vec2d_mult(p1, p2): return p1[0]*p2[0] + p1[1]*p2[1]
[docs]def ramer_douglas(line, dist): """Does Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification of a curve with `dist` threshold. `line` is a list-of-tuples, where each tuple is a 2D coordinate Usage is like so: >>> myline = [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.0)] >>> simplified = ramer_douglas(myline, dist = 1.0) """ if len(line) < 3: return line begin = line[0] end = line[-1] if line[0] != line[-1] else line[-2] distSq = list() for curr in line[1:-1]: tmp = ( _vec2d_dist(begin, curr) - _vec2d_mult(_vec2d_sub(end, begin), _vec2d_sub(curr, begin)) ** 2 / _vec2d_dist(begin, end)) distSq.append(tmp) maxdist = max(distSq) if maxdist < dist ** 2: return [begin, end] # print(maxdist) pos = distSq.index(maxdist) return (ramer_douglas(line[:pos + 2], dist) + ramer_douglas(line[pos + 1:], dist)[1:])